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What is exploitation?

There are many examples of exploitation: 

  • Sexual
  • Financial 
  • Emotional
  • Forced labour
  • Modern day slavery

Exploitation is where the abuser treats another person unfairly. The abuser is using the other person for their benefit.

Recognising exploitation

Example one: your employer requests that you stay at work longer than usual. You know your employer won’t pay you for your overtime. You could have refused to stay at work longer, but your employer has threatened you with losing your job. This is labour exploitation.

Example two: you have a close friend whom you trust very much, however, she only speaks to you when she needs something. When you want to speak to her, she always replies she is busy and can’t speak to you. This can be described as a toxic friendship. Another term for this kind of exploitation is ‘mate crime’.

Example three: you have lent a large amount of money to your friend who you have not seen in many years. When you ask for your money back, they avoid you and come up with different excuses. This can be called financial exploitation.

Example four: your boyfriend wants you to sleep with his friend. He threatens to end the relationship if you don’t have sex with him. This is sexual exploitation.